Journal 2023-04-01

<!-- Morning -->

Nix configuration with nix-sops

I needed to configured nix access-tokens with nix-sops. The configuration file is stored in the /etc/nix directory.

The solution I settled on this solution:

  nix.extraOptions = ''
    !include access-tokens.conf
  sops.secrets.nix_access_tokens.path = "/etc/nix/access-tokens.conf";

The file will be then sourced by nix. If it doesnt exist, nix will not throw an error thanks to the !include directive.

The file needs to be readable by the client if you want the access-token work with nix flake ... when run by your user, so youll need to configure the owner to be the correct group.

One example is to create a user-keys group, different from the keys sops group, and add your user to it.

Next.js app directory

The last canary of next js supports to export to static html files with the app directory.

I think the app directory is a better structure for a next.js app. I made the transition to the new directory some time ago. But could never use it since I relay to the next export command to generate the static html files for GitHub pages.

Today I migrated to next@canary and its seem to work.

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