<!-- Morning -->
- Today a issue was open and the solution was obvious (increase the logging).
However, they didn’t want to make this feature, for reasons that are not
clear to me or my collogues.
- Work can be an hostile environment and people stay useful instead of
improving the processes
- You have to maintain a good image and try to make the best out of the
- Work is not your friend
<!-- What do I want to do today? -->
<!-- Evening -->
<!-- What did I learn today? -->
- To sort a list containing numbers you can use a natural sorting algorithm
- Compares each character one by one, but groups the digits together and
compares them that way
- You can set the max CPU and Memory usage
- If a process uses to much memory it can be killed
- If a process uses to much CPU for to many ms, the OS puts it in pre-emption
and made wait
<!-- Things I learned -->
<!-- Useful tools and libraries -->
- natsort: natural sorting algorithm
.\VBoxManage.exe setextradata "vm" "VBoxInternal/NEM/UseRing0Runloop" 0